Taking part as a host trial
We are collaborating with host trial teams to undertake coordinated SWATs.

We are funded to collaborate with host trial teams to undertake coordinated SWATs, where we test the same recruitment or retention strategy across several host trials at the same time, using a single, shared protocol.
If you are planning or currently conducting a trial and are interested in being part of a coordinated SWAT, please contact us.
We will fund the SWAT (including staff costs). If you are a host trial, the process for taking part in a coordinated SWAT has been designed to have minimal burden on your team. Ethical applications and amendments to embed the SWAT in your trial will be led from York Trials Unit, The University of York.
Examples of published coordinated SWATs that we have undertaken can be found here:
- Bah humbug! Association between sending Christmas cards to trial participants and trial retention: randomised study within a trial conducted simultaneously across eight host trials
- Staff training to improve participant recruitment into surgical randomised controlled trials: A feasibility study within a trial (SWAT) across four host trials simultaneously